• 07 SEP, 2016
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    Conjunctivitis aka Pink Eye

    Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, commonly known as Pink Eye is a very common problem and treated very easily.  More common for pre-K and elementary school aged kids but everyone is at risk because it is so contagious (watch out parents!) Conjunctivitis can have several causes: Viral conjunctivitis is caused by a virus. This type

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    • 02 APR, 2020
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    Community Vaccine Initiative!

    Community Vaccine Initiative!

    Starting April 6, 2020 We strongly believe that it is of the utmost importance that infants and young children continue to be vaccinated. As Pediatricians it is our responsibility to keep children safe through this public health crisis and beyond. It is essential that children receive their immunizations at the appropriate time. It has come to our

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    • 26 APR, 2018
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    Cold and Allergy Help While you are Breastfeeding

    Having a cold or suffering from allergies while breastfeeding can be very brutal.  It can be hard to focus on feeding and nourishing your youngster when you yourself feel miserable because you have a fever, stuffy nose, cough or itchy watery eyes and sneezing. We get many questions everyday about how to make a mommy

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    • 10 AUG, 2016
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    Clean indoor air as important as meds in controlling asthma

    Health cardio tellus fin amet intend morbi consectetur adipiscing forte. Nullam volutpat rutrum mode technical maecenas a velit ornare. Pharetra interdum libero vitae novum at fiber. Mauris etos vitae turpis interdum pulvinar mode nisi malesuada consectetur fusce libero est cuprum. Node gravida et elit sed auctor novum donec blandin laoreet rhoncus a risum novec convallis.

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