• 20 MAR, 2019
    • 1

    Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play

    by Michelle Place, CRNP-P Ever since 1992 when the American Academy of Pediatrics instituted the “Back to Sleep” campaign, the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has dropped dramatically. In this same time period, however, there has been a huge increase in babies developing flat heads. They are also rolling over, sitting up and starting

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    • 07 MAR, 2019
    • 3

    Which Cough "Medicine" is Best?

    By: Dr. Mechak HINT: It’s probably not the one you think…  In fact; the best, safest, and ONLY cough medicine that we recommend for our patients is not a medicine at all. You will find it in the baking aisle instead of the medicine aisle, and it’s made by good ol’ mother nature… and her

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