• 21 APR, 2020
    • 7
    How vaccines work and why it’s more important than ever to stay on track

    How vaccines work and why it’s more important than ever to stay on track

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak Vaccines are the single most powerful tool that we have to fight disease. Thanks to vaccines we have been able to eradicate or nearly-eradicate dozens of deadly infections like polio, smallpox, measles, and many others.  One scary consequence from the Coronavirus could be a resurgence of these vaccine-preventable diseases. The American

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    • 02 APR, 2020
    • 0
    Community Vaccine Initiative!

    Community Vaccine Initiative!

    Starting April 6, 2020 We strongly believe that it is of the utmost importance that infants and young children continue to be vaccinated. As Pediatricians it is our responsibility to keep children safe through this public health crisis and beyond. It is essential that children receive their immunizations at the appropriate time. It has come to our

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