Parent Seminars & Therapy Groups

 Keeping Your Cool with Your Kids

Group Led by Jennifer Alfonso, MBA, MSW, LCSW-C, CEAP

Six week Virtual Workshop for Parents

Frustration, stress and anger are all normal parental reactions.  It’s how you deal with them that counts!

Contrary to popular belief, parents do not have superhero powers! It can be challenging to keep your cool when the parenting gets tough.

  1. Do you find yourself getting frustrated easily?
  2. Are you raising your voice more than you want to?
  3. Do you ever feel exasperated when dealing with your kids?
  4. Do you ever regret how you acted with your kids?
  5. Have you lost your cool with loved ones?

If you can related to any of these (and we are sure you have more of your own examples!), join this virtual six week workshop to learn proven strategies on how to keep your cool even when the parenting gets tough.

This virtual workshop will run from 2/18/25 to 3/25/2025. All classes are Tuesday evenings 5:30pm to 7:00pm on Zoom Platform.
This program is facilitated by an anger and conflict management expert.



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