• 28 DEC, 2015
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    Thrush Management

    Mauren Mills, RN, Lactation Consultant “What is thrush? Thrush is a term we use to describe an overgrowth of yeast that is in a baby’s mouth or a breastfeeding mom’s nipples. How did I get thrush? Possible reasons include: antibiotics, steroid use, vaginal yeast infection, diabetes (gestational and IDDM), high carb diet,

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    • 15 DEC, 2015
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    3 Healthy Eating Habits to Promote at Home

    Dr. Caren Glassman “It isn’t news that we are all getting heavier faster than previous generations. Childhood Obesity is at a record high and it affects kid’s health. We all know that the formula for losing weight is to eat less and exercise more.

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