• 10 APR, 2024
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    Allergy Season Survival Guide

    Allergy Season Survival Guide

    Survival Guide to Seasonal Allergies by Natalia Darling PA-C Spring has sprung! Trees are budding and flowers are emerging and we are on a collision course for spring allergy season.  Almost 6 million children in the USA  suffering from seasonal allergies.  For these kiddos spring brings sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, coughs, and itchy and irritated

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    • 03 APR, 2023
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    Survival Guide to Seasonal Allergies

    Survival Guide to Seasonal Allergies

    by Natalia Darling PA-C  [Repost from 2018]   Spring is finally here!  For many this is a welcome relief from the cold winter season but for almost 6 million children in the USA  suffering from seasonal allergies the advent of spring brings sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, coughs, and itchy and irritated sore throats and

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    • 31 MAR, 2021
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    Is it allergies or COVID?

    Is it allergies or COVID?

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD   Each year Spring marks the end of the viral respiratory season and the start of allergy season. During this time of year it can be very difficult to determine if sniffles are from a virus or from environmental allergies. This year, the importance of this distinction is amplified with the

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    • 04 APR, 2019
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    Not all red eyes are ‘Pink Eye’

    By: Dr. Joey Mechak A common concern from parents and seemingly one of the biggest fears for daycares in Montgomery County is ‘Pink Eye.’ We get tons of calls and visits each year for eye discharge, goopy eyes, red eyes, swollen eyes, or ‘daycare says my child has ‘Pink Eye’ eyes. I am here to

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