To request your medical records to be sent please…
- Fill out our medical record request sheet
- This sheet can be found by clicking here: Medical Record Request
- Provide a contact number on our cover sheet
- Note that our turnaround time is about 5 – 7 business days.
- Email return option: After you’ve submitted your request (via verifying your digital signature) your request will immediately drop into our queue for completion. When we complete your request, you will immediately receive a finalized copy in your email from PROOFPOINT.
If you only need an immunization record, please click here
To have us request your medical records from your previous doctor please…
- Fill out our medical record request sheet
- This sheet can be found by clicking here: Request Previous Medical Records
- Provide a contact number on our cover sheet
- Note that our turnaround time is about 5 – 7 business days
**Please Note** All copies of medical records are provided on a CD.