• 07 FEB, 2024
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    Looking for Pediatric Urgent Care in Bethesda? Here’s What to Consider

    Looking for Pediatric Urgent Care in Bethesda? Here’s What to Consider

    Of course, if your regular pediatrician here can see your child, we’re the preferred choice. Contact us to book an appointment at Potomac Pediatrics!

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    • 29 MAY, 2018
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    Local Case of Measles

    By: Dr. Heather Davies The Maryland Department of Health reported on Wednesday, May 24th, 2018 that an individual in Montgomery County, Maryland has a confirmed case of measles.  The individual contracted the disease outside of the United States but did not develop symptoms until arriving in the U.S. Measles is a highly contagious virus that

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    • 15 SEP, 2021
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    Letter to Our Patients

    Letter to Our Patients

    Dear Patients, We are reaching out today to apologize and address concerns many of you have raised. Concerns that we also share. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to reach a live person on our phone lines. In the past 4 months, getting an appointment has also been increasingly difficult; having

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    • 25 OCT, 2018
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    Letter to New Dads from an Experienced Nurse and Lactation Consultant

    Dear New Dad, There’s nothing worse than feeling helpless with your brand new baby – as you know – pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding are all centered around Mom. As much as you’d like, you can’t pull an Arnold Schwarzenegger (remember that old movie where he gets pregnant?!) but I’m here to tell you there’s plenty you CAN do. Try these 7

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