• 23 SEP, 2019
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    Stress and Climate Change

    By Kim Burgess, Ph.D. Pediatric Psychology Center In a recent national survey, two-thirds of Americans report that they worry about climate change, yet two-thirds report that they ‘never’ or ‘rarely’ talk about it with family & friends. I’ve recently been asked whether or how we talk about it with children.  YES, we should have conversations

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    • 27 JAN, 2016
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    Staying Safe and Warm in the Snow

    By: Michelle Place, CRNP-P Snowmageddon, Snowpocalypse, Snowzilla, whatever you want to call it there is a lot of snow out there and it is going to be sticking around for a while. With school out and snow on the ground the kids are

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    • 21 MAY, 2018
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    Stay Hydrated!

    Why is it important to stay hydrated during exercise? The question many people ask and few know the answer to. Staying hydrated during exercise and in general is very important; water regulates the body’s temperature and acts as a lubrication for joints. It also, helps transport nutrients through the body, providing you with energy and

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    • 10 APR, 2017
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    Sports Safety

    By Natalia Darling, PA-C Potomac Pediatrics encourages all school age children to participate in 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity.  A great way to achieve this goal is to have your child participate in organized sports.  Whether it be soccer, field or ice hockey, lacrosse, swimming, basketball, baseball or cross country

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