• 28 JAN, 2020
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    2019 Novel Coronavirus

    2019 Novel Coronavirus

    By: Heather Davies, M.D. 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a respiratory illness that causes fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The virus was first identified in Wuhan, China and is believed to have been first transmitted to humans from infected sea animals.  It now appears that the virus can be spread from person to person.

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    • 10 JAN, 2020
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    Making and KEEPING your New Year’s Resolutions

    Making and KEEPING your New Year’s Resolutions

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak The new year is a great time to reflect on your family’s health and happiness.  Take some time to appreciate the positives from 2019 and identify areas for improvement and growth in 2020.  After this introspection, make some goals and resolutions to make this year the best yet! Now, resolutions are

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    • 10 DEC, 2019
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    Will this cough ever go away?

    Will this cough ever go away?

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak Viral respiratory season is upon us.  This means lots of sniffles, sneezing, snot, and seemingly endless cough.  Cough can occur for a variety of reasons. Some scary, like asthma, pneumonia, and pertussis, but most during this time of year are either directly or indirectly related to one of these viral respiratory

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    • 27 NOV, 2019
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    Special Message to our Patients

    Special Message to our Patients

    Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caretakers, We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the overwhelming amount of patient referrals we have a received as a result of your kind words and confidence in our care. It continues to be our pleasure to be your family’s medical home and we are delighted to be

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