Special Message to our Patients
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caretakers,
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the overwhelming amount of patient referrals we have a received as a result of your kind words and confidence in our care. It continues to be our pleasure to be your family’s medical home and we are delighted to be caring for your friends, families, and neighbors. In order to ensure we are meeting your family’s needs we are working hard to provide you with quality care in the most efficient way possible.
With that said, here is our plan for the coming months:
- Effective, December 1, 2019, we will not be accepting new patients over the age of 5 unless they are accompanied by a patient 5 years and younger. We will not be accepting any new patients 12 years and older regardless of a siblings age. Patients who pre-registered prior to December 1, 2019 will continue to be accepted.
- We are recruiting, hiring, and training new team members that will provide your family with the care and attention you deserve.
- We are all working overtime and will likely continue to do so to meet the needs of all our patients.
As we continue striving to meet your needs and the needs of other families in our practice, we ask that you please do the following:
- Leave a Message. When calling, if you receive a voicemail please leave a message. We will promptly return your phone call. If your call is not answered by a live team member it is because they are helping another patient. If you fail to leave a message and repeatedly call the office this will only delay our ability to help you in a timely manner as our team is hard at work returning patient voicemails. When all voicemails are cleared and addressed, we resume taking live calls.
- Well Child Appointment Request. When possible please request well exam appointments via your patient portal. Please notate your preferred window of dates (at least 3-4 weeks in advance), preferred time frames, and preferred provider. Doing so, allows us to research our schedule and follow back up with you having already found appointment options that work for your schedule.
- Appointment Accountability. When making an appointment be sure to add it to your calendar and set a reminder. Please remember text & voice message reminders are a courtesy. When you miss your appointment, that becomes an appointment we could have used to care for another child. As a result, if you miss a well exam you likely will have to wait an additional 3-4 weeks for the next available opening. When you arrive late it impacts our ability to see our other patients in a timely manner. Sometimes we will not be able to accommodate seeing your child and you may have to be rescheduled for a later time in the day (if available), or another day entirely. In both cases a missed appointment fee will be applied to your account.
We will continue to recruit and hire smart and caring team members who will help support our practice and enhance our ability to care for your family. We look forward to continuing to watch your children grow and helping you through all the challenges that parenting presents.
Thank You,
Potomac Pediatrics
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