• 22 JUL, 2020
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    Managing summer (and quarantine) screen time

    Managing summer (and quarantine) screen time

    Me: “Tell me about how you have been spending your days during quarantine/summer” Child: “Ummmm…” Parent: [Biting their tongue] Me: “Let me guess… video games?” Child: “How do you know?!?” Me:  “How much are you playing?” Parent: [biting their tongue] Child: “I don’t know… maybe an hour or two.”  Parent: [Can’t hold it in any

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    • 03 JUN, 2020
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    General guidance on COVID-19 Re-openings and FAQs – June 3, 2020

    General guidance on COVID-19 Re-openings and FAQs – June 3, 2020

    Statement from the providers at Potomac Pediatrics, written by Dr. Joey Mechak General guidance on COVID-19 Reopenings June 3, 2020 As our community begins to reopen you may have mixed emotions.  You are probably excited and relieved at the idea of leaving your house or that life is on its way to returning to some

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    • 18 MAY, 2020
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    Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: What we know

    Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: What we know

    What is Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)? MIS-C is a recently defined, rare (emphasis on rare), inflammatory disease that has been linked to COVID-19 infection in children. The CDC currently defines MIS-C by the following criteria: 21 years old or younger Clinically severe illness requiring hospitalization with multi-system involvement (ie. impacts 2 or more

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    • 21 APR, 2020
    • 7
    How vaccines work and why it’s more important than ever to stay on track

    How vaccines work and why it’s more important than ever to stay on track

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak Vaccines are the single most powerful tool that we have to fight disease. Thanks to vaccines we have been able to eradicate or nearly-eradicate dozens of deadly infections like polio, smallpox, measles, and many others.  One scary consequence from the Coronavirus could be a resurgence of these vaccine-preventable diseases. The American

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