• 05 OCT, 2016
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    Is your baby ready for solid foods?

    By: Caitlin Delaney, PA-C Starting Solid Foods How do I know when my baby is ready for solid foods? The answer is when your infant is able to sit with support, hold his/her head in a steady/upright position and grab for things to put in his/her mouth, it’s time to begin introducing solid foods. This

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    • 07 SEP, 2016
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    Conjunctivitis aka Pink Eye

    Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, commonly known as Pink Eye is a very common problem and treated very easily.  More common for pre-K and elementary school aged kids but everyone is at risk because it is so contagious (watch out parents!) Conjunctivitis can have several causes: Viral conjunctivitis is caused by a virus. This type

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    • 01 SEP, 2016
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    Coxsackievirus AKA Hand/Foot/Mouth Disease Explained

    That is a big scary word for an illness you want to avoid! Coxsackievirus is a virus that lives in our digestive tract.  The virus can spread from person to person; usually with unwashed hands and surfaces contaminated by feces (the virus can live on a surface for several days – yuk!)  It can also

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    • 28 JUN, 2016
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    Camp and School Form Season

    Tis the season for camp and school forms – At Potomac Pediatrics we fill out A LOT of school and camp forms!  We complete an average of 500 per month (that’s at least 25 per day) Here’s a quick way to make sure your child’s form gets filled out and back in your hands as

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