• 02 APR, 2020
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    Community Vaccine Initiative!

    Community Vaccine Initiative!

    Starting April 6, 2020 We strongly believe that it is of the utmost importance that infants and young children continue to be vaccinated. As Pediatricians it is our responsibility to keep children safe through this public health crisis and beyond. It is essential that children receive their immunizations at the appropriate time. It has come to our

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    • 16 MAR, 2020
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    Coronavirus: Updated Guidelines

    By: Dr. Joey Mechak As we anticipated, the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve rapidly.  Over the weekend, more information has emerged from Europe about their experiences with COVID-19.  This information has emphasized and reaffirmed the importance of social distancing. These data have led United States health officials to tighten the recommendations on social distancing and

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    • 06 MAR, 2020
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    MoCo Coronavirus

    MoCo Coronavirus

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak As most people know, there have been three confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Montgomery County. We expected this. We (the state, county, and Potomac Pediatrics) have been preparing for this. We are here for you. This is a constantly evolving situation and we do not have all the answers.  We also

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    • 11 FEB, 2020
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    What are "growing pains," anyway?

    What are "growing pains," anyway?

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD Well, it’s complicated… “Growing pains” are a common complaint in our school age and teenage visits.  I’d love the answer the question in the title more fully, but to be frank, doctors aren’t really sure what they are. Here is what we do know: What are growing pains – There is

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