• 19 SEP, 2017
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    Getting Ahead of Head Injuries

    By: Natalia Darling, PA-C  Getting Ahead of Head Injuries; Early Signs of Concussion. With the end of summer and return to school, the kickoff to fall sports and football season is upon us.  While for many this brings thoughts of fall weather and changing leaves, Halloween, and pumpkin themed activities and treats, medical professionals begin

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    • 10 APR, 2017
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    Sports Safety

    By Natalia Darling, PA-C Potomac Pediatrics encourages all school age children to participate in 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity.  A great way to achieve this goal is to have your child participate in organized sports.  Whether it be soccer, field or ice hockey, lacrosse, swimming, basketball, baseball or cross country

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