• 05 JUL, 2019
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    Acne Basics for Teens

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD Pimples are the pits! To make things worse, acne peaks during puberty when our teens care most about their appearance and peer acceptance.  It can make this challenging time even more stressful. We want to arm you with some information, tips, and tricks to help navigate these… oily waters (I know…

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    • 06 JUN, 2019
    • 3

    Lyme Disease and Tick Bite FAQs

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak Summer brings sun, sand, pools, summer camps, and… ticks.  Ticks get a bad name, and rightfully so at times.  There is a lot of misinformation, incomplete information, and myths out there. We want to arm you with some reliable information and trustworthy references in case you cross paths with one of

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    • 28 MAY, 2019
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    When It's Time to Change, The C's Edition: Color and Constipation

    By Michelle Place, CRNP-P Before becoming a parent you probably never thought you would be so interested in the bowel habits of another person. Now that your little one has arrived what is happening (or not happening) in their diaper has probably become a bit of an obsession. Since you will change something like 3,000

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    • 09 MAY, 2019
    • 14

    A Good Night's Sleep: Tips for School-Aged Children and Adolescents

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak There are few things more important to your child’s health than a good night’s sleep. Sleep duration, sleep quality, and sleep environment all play a vital role in your child’s mental and physical health.  Poor sleep has been linked to thing like behavior problems, anger, depression, anxiety, inattentiveness, hyperactivity, headaches, poor

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