• 11 FEB, 2023
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    Updated Billing Policy: Call & Portal Messages

    Updated Billing Policy: Call & Portal Messages

    In the past, Potomac Pediatrics has included telephone advice calls and portal message advice as part of our annual non-covered services fee (NCSF). One major change coming this year is that we are actually pulling these services out of the NCSF, and instead when it’s applicable, we’re going to bill these services to your insurance

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    • 17 JAN, 2023
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    Respiratory Viral Season – is it over yet?!

    Respiratory Viral Season – is it over yet?!

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak This year’s respiratory viral season has been unlike any other in recent memory.  A few things that have set this respiratory season apart are that it was:  Early – Many viruses, but Flu and RSV in particular, came earlier than usual this year.  RSV season is classically from December to March,

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    • 12 DEC, 2022
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    Bivalent Boosters approved down to 6 months old!

    Bivalent Boosters approved down to 6 months old!

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD The FDA and CDC have granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 Bivalent booster vaccines for children as young as 6 months. This comes as hospitalizations for Flu, RSV and COVID are all surging. Specifically, pediatric COVID hospitalizations have increased by 68% over the past 2

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    • 14 OCT, 2022
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    A plug for flu shots and bivalent boosters!

    A plug for flu shots and bivalent boosters!

    By: Dr. Joseph Mechak and Dr. Emily Atwood   A plug for the flu vaccine During the first year of daycare we expect that children contract somewhere between 8 and 12 viral infections.  This is partly from them “learning to share” with their daycare classmates but also, in large part, is due to an immature

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