We know this school year has been a tough and disappointing adjustment for many college students. You’re not the only one feeling this way.
Life and school haven’t gone according to plan, we get it, and we’re here for you!
- Do you feel isolated in your dorm or apartment?
- Is it hard to meet people on campus?
- Do you struggle trying to balance social distancing in a college lifestyle?
- Is it hard to concentrate in class?
- Does your counseling center have a long waitlist… and you just don’t want to go?
We’re excited to announce that we are launching a college student support group where you can connect with peers who are feeling the same way you are – confused, alone, frustrated, anxious, isolated, and wishing college was just “normal”.
Join us for a virtual support group with likeminded peers to talk about what your experience has been so far this year at school. This is an open forum for you to express yourself and feel validated that you are not the only one feeling so in the dark during first semester. Along the way, we will be providing helpful strategies and coping skills to help you manage these feelings and overcome these hurdles in a socially distanced world. There are solutions and we are here to help you find the right ones for you!
Led by Melanie Eisman, LCSW; sessions are flexible with commitments made week by week.
Join us every Thursday at 9:30AM beginning on December 3, 2020.
To secure your spot in our next session, email psychiatry@potomacpediatrics.com and include the name and date of birth of your college student!
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*Parents, please do not sign up your college student without their permission. In order for group sessions to be effective for all students they should want to be active participants.*