- Think in terms or the food pyramid and offer foods that are lower in salt and sugar.
- Encourage consumption of fresh vegetables, poultry, and fish, trimmed lean meats. For bone health, serve at least two calcium-rich foods (cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables) and 16 ounces of milk each day.
- Children do not need daily juice. Despite what our parents taught us, juice has no nutritional value. The Vitamin C provided in juice is not necessary to fight infection and consuming sweet drinks, even 100% natural contributes to obesity.
- Discourage processed meats, chips, candy and soft drinks. Limit fast foods and fried foods. Kids are surprisingly well nourished despite “finicky” eating habits and refusal to eat certain kinds of foods. One good meal daily is typical.
- The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that all children receive a daily multivitamin. The goal is Vitamin D 400 IU and Iron 15mg daily.
- Children should remain in a five point harness car seats until they are at least 6 years old. After that time, children can be transitioned to a booster seat. Plan for your child to be in the booster seat until they are 4 feet 9 inches.
- Lock up all medications and household poisons including cleaners, paint thinners, and drain cleaners. Do not store these products in containers that resemble food containers.
- Guns in the home are a danger to the family. If guns are kept, store the gun and ammunition locked up and in separate locations.
- Teach your child about the danger of chasing a ball or pet into the street. Supervise your child closely.
- Discuss water safety. Knowing how to “swim” does not ensure the child’s safety in water at this age.
- Call the Poison Control Center if you suspect your child ate a poison: 800-222-1222
There is a lot of developmental change between 3 and 4. There are big emotions and a desire to be in control (dressing themselves, using the potty, sleep avoidance, going up and down the stairs on their own). They begin to develop more social skills and make friends. There is increased creative play and story telling. They ask a lot of questions and have an increased vocabulary using longer sentences. We encourage you to make an appointment to talk with your provider if your child is not understood by others, is not playing well with other children, is not able to have a conversation, is not daytime potty trained by 3 1/2 or any other developmental concerns.
For a current list of eye doctors and pediatric dentists whom we recommend please find the tab at the top of our website labeled Your Child’s Health and select Who We Recommend
Screen Time: Screen Time is any time spent in front of T.V., computer, tablets, or smart phones.
- Television time and kind of programs watched should be carefully monitored. Violence on TV is linked to aggressive behavior.
- There is a relationship between the amount of TV watched and a child’s weight. Limit TV to 1 hour daily.
- Watch shows with your child and use them to stimulate topics of conversation. Discourage programs that are linked with toy sales.
- Keep TV sets, tablets, and computers out of the bedrooms.
Masturbation is quite common as part of self-discovery and learning to associate genital stimulation with pleasant sensations. Masturbation is normal if it is private and not highly preferred over most other activities
Recommended Books: 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12. Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
NEXT VISIT: Your child’s next routine visit is at 4 years of age.
NEED DAYCARE FORMS? Don’t forget to drop off your health forms at the front desk or submit them after your check-up here.