MILK – Babies should take only breast milk or formula until twelve months of age. Infants do not need water, even on hot days, as the breast milk or formula will supply all of the necessary fluids. All exclusively breastfed infants and infants receiving less than 32 ounces of formula each day should have a vitamin supplement. We recommend Trivisol 1 ml orally each day.

SOLID FOODS – We do not typically start infants on solid foods until they have developed adequate neck and shoulder strength. Most children will develop the muscles needed to take solid foods after four months of age. We will discuss starting spoon feedings at that time.


  • Always put the baby in a car seat while driving! Your baby should be facing backward in the center of the back seat. Never place a car seat in the front seat if there is a passenger seat airbag. Be sure to use the locking clip if you ever place the car seat in a position that has a lap-shoulder belt.
  • Never leave a baby unattended unless he is in a crib or playpen. Babies fall off beds easily, even when you think they cannot move.
  • Be careful leaving toddlers and pets alone with the baby. Their actions are too unpredictable to be safe.
  • Do not tie a pacifier on a string around the baby’s neck.
  • It is a good idea to use sunscreen every day that you will have sun exposure. Choose a product that is hypoallergenic. Protect the baby’s skin from sunlight. Babies can burn easily.
  • Always bathe infants in very shallow water, and never leave a child unattended near water.
  • Babies should always sleep on their backs.

Common Concerns
FEVER – Any temperature elevation of 100.4 or greater rectally in an infant less than 3 months of age is of concern to us. The most accurate way to measure the temperature in an infant is by the rectal method. This is done by inserting the tip of a lubricated thermometer about ¾ of an inch into the rectum for three minutes with the baby lying on his back. Ask for a demonstration if you are uneasy.

CRYING AND FUSSING – Most infants cry for at least part of the day for reasons other than hunger. This behavior increases for the first six weeks of life, and then gradually disappears by around three months of age. A small number of babies will cry and seem gassy for many hours a day, usually in the evening. Please call us if this crying seems excessive to you.

SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT – Most babies will begin to stretch out the times between nighttime feeds at two months. Adding solid foods at this age has not been shown to allow the baby to sleep longer.

NEXT VISIT: Your baby’s next routine visit is at 2 months of age. Attached is information about the vaccines that will be administered at the next several visits.

REMINDER: Please do not feed your baby 15 minutes before their vaccines at the 2 month, 4 month and 6 month appointment.