• 15 SEP, 2021
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    Letter to Our Patients

    Letter to Our Patients

    Dear Patients, We are reaching out today to apologize and address concerns many of you have raised. Concerns that we also share. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to reach a live person on our phone lines. In the past 4 months, getting an appointment has also been increasingly difficult; having

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    • 27 AUG, 2021
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    7 Tips for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

    7 Tips for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD   For many kids, it has been almost a year and a half since they were physically in the classroom.  The transition back to school after summer break can be a challenge under the best circumstances… which these are not.  We hope that you and your children are as ready as

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    • 30 JUL, 2021
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    Eczema Basics

    Eczema Basics

    By:  Joseph Mechak, MD   Eczema, also known as Atopic Dermatitis, is a common pediatric condition and one that we treat often in our office.  Below is some basic information about eczema and it’s treatment.  If you are concerned that your child is suffering from eczema make an appointment today!    What is Eczema –

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    • 30 JUN, 2021
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    Myocarditis and COVID-19 vaccines

    Myocarditis and COVID-19 vaccines

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD   The COVID-19 vaccines are the most closely monitored immunizations in history.  The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a program that collects and analyzes side effect data for all immunizations in the United States, including all of the approved COVID-19 vaccines. Through this program, rare side effects like allergic

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