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Suite #100 Rockville, MD 20850
Does your teen worry excessively and appear more anxious than his/her peers? Do they avoid certain situations or have rituals that your family seems to accommodate?In this session, Vicki Klein, who specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxious kids/teens, will help you learn how to best respond to your anxious teen. You will learn ways to combat the anxiety, and how to get your teen to “Face Their Fears”. Worries don’t have to take over their life!
Ideal Age: Parents of children 11 years and up.
Space is limited to two adults per family. This seminar is for parents, guardians, and caretakers only! Teens will not be permitted to attend this seminar.
February 29, 2020
Late Cancellation and No Show Policy – Click Here
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Potomac Pediatrics will always be fully focused on helping your child and you to overcome any healthcare hurdle, with innovative, comprehensive and compassionate care.
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