• 11 MAY, 2018
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    25 Ways to Slash Added Sugar in Your Child’s Diet

    By: Jane Henley, MS, RD, LDN Many American children are getting too much sugar in their diets. Recent recommendations from the American Heart Association (AHA), state children’s added sugar intake should be 6 teaspoons per day MAX. Children under 2 years are to skip it all together. Limit candy to one serving when allowing it. Follow the

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    • 25 OCT, 2017
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    Candy, Candy, Everywhere!

    By: Jane Henley, MS, RD, LDN While it’s fun to own a mountain of candy, it’s probably not the best idea to eat it all… After sorting through your favorites, why not find something else to do with the rest? Here are 10 ideas to get you started – Math homework! Nothing like a motivational

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