• 01 JUL, 2023
    • 3
    Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease – Info You Should Know

    Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease – Info You Should Know

    I hear a lot of misplaced fear and anxiety about HFMD so lets talk facts so you know what to expect if (read: when) your child gets HFMD.

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    • 01 SEP, 2016
    • 3

    Coxsackievirus AKA Hand/Foot/Mouth Disease Explained

    That is a big scary word for an illness you want to avoid! Coxsackievirus is a virus that lives in our digestive tract.  The virus can spread from person to person; usually with unwashed hands and surfaces contaminated by feces (the virus can live on a surface for several days – yuk!)  It can also

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