• 26 JAN, 2022
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    Re-post: Mental Health and the Pandemic

    Re-post: Mental Health and the Pandemic

    By Dr. Joseph Mechak and Dr. Lauren Zohler   This month’s blog is a re-post from August 2020 about mental health and the pandemic.  We are posting it again because mental health remains a huge concern for our patients and it is a priority for pediatricians everywhere.  We are over 2-years into the pandemic and

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    • 27 OCT, 2021
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    COVID-19 Vaccine for 5-11 year olds: Understanding the Process

    COVID-19 Vaccine for 5-11 year olds: Understanding the Process

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD   The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is nearing Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the 5 to 11 year old age group. On October 26th, the EUA passed the first of several check-points but still has a few hurdles to go. We wanted to provide some information on what has happened so far

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    • 11 FEB, 2020
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    What are "growing pains," anyway?

    What are "growing pains," anyway?

    By: Joseph Mechak, MD Well, it’s complicated… “Growing pains” are a common complaint in our school age and teenage visits.  I’d love the answer the question in the title more fully, but to be frank, doctors aren’t really sure what they are. Here is what we do know: What are growing pains – There is

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    • 19 SEP, 2017
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    Getting Ahead of Head Injuries

    By: Natalia Darling, PA-C  Getting Ahead of Head Injuries; Early Signs of Concussion. With the end of summer and return to school, the kickoff to fall sports and football season is upon us.  While for many this brings thoughts of fall weather and changing leaves, Halloween, and pumpkin themed activities and treats, medical professionals begin

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