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15204 Omega Drive

Suite #100 Rockville, MD 20850

Provider Lunchtime Talks

Provider Lunch and Learns

Join one of our Potomac Pediatrics providers at our monthly “lunch and learns.”  Each month will have a different pediatric topic ranging from potty training to puberty!

Check out our list of upcoming topics below and register to receive the ZOOM link to join! 

Upcoming topics:

February 28th at 1pm - Toddler Tantrums w/ Dr. Atwood

Join Dr. Atwood for a virtual seminar (back by popular demand!) on toddler parenting. Topics will include how to distinguish tantrums from melt downs, how to help your child learn to handle these big feelings, and how to model emotion regulation. This session will include a question and answer period over Zoom

Click Here to Register! 

Please join Dr. Mechak for a one-hour, virtual seminar focused on social skills for elementary school children. This seminar will help parents recognize and address concerns they might have for the child’s social development and will include a question and answer period over zoom.

Topics covered during seminar:

  • Review typical social-emotional milestones in school-age children
  • Discuss activities to help practice social skills at home
  • Identify signs that your child may need additional help or support, and how we can help.


Click here to Register!

Please join pediatrician Dr. Kennedy-Winston for a virtual seminar to discuss the ins and outs of infant nutrition. Specifically, this seminar will focus on nutritional requirements and how they change over time as well as the transition to solid foods. At the end of the seminar, there will be a question and answer portion with Dr. Kennedy-Winston.

Topics covered during seminar

  • Understand nutritional requirements and how they change as babies age
  • Discuss how and when to introduce solid food to infants
  • Review different methods for introducing solid foods, including baby led weaning, and how to introduce allergens

These seminars are free for those that pay the annual non-covered services fee! A fee of $40 will be charged to patients who opted out of the NCSF