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Suite #100 Rockville, MD 20850
To speak to our billing office directly, please call (301)279-6750 option 8 or email billing@apparentmanagement.com. If you get a voicemail during business hours please know our team is either on the phone with an insurance company or is assisting another patient. Please leave a detailed voicemail or send us a detailed email so we can assist you faster. If you have questions about our billing company, Apparent, please click here to learn more.
If your insurance plan does not appear on the list above, or you want to confirm that we do participate with your insurance policy, you may call our office at (301)279-6750 to discuss your specific situation. We cannot guarantee payment from any insurance policy. It is the policyholders’ responsibility to verify if their insurance is in-network with Potomac Pediatrics. If we do not participate in your plan you may still join our practice; however, you will be required to pay fee-for-service at the time the services are rendered. While we do not submit claims to out of network insurance companies, we are able to provide necessary documentation should you wish to submit for reimbursement. Please note it is the patients’ responsibility to verify in-network benefits.
Please familiarize yourself with the specifics of your insurance contract including coverage benefits and limitations. While we will submit claims for plans we contract with, we are not responsible for knowing the specifics of each individual policy. Should you receive or request a test or procedure that is not covered by your plan, any outstanding charges will become ‘patient responsibility’. Contact your insurance company with questions about your individual policy.
Our billing staff is available to discuss your account at your request. Billing staff can be reached Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. To reach the billing department directly call (301) 279-6750 option 8. You can also reach our billing staff at billing@apparentmanagement.com.
All families are required to keep a credit card on file. When your family comes in for your first office visit you will be asked to put your credit card on file. Please click the link below to review our Credit Card on File Agreement and FAQ’s.
Potomac Pediatrics prides itself on providing quality care alongside a seamless patient experience. Change is often a necessary part of improving both care and services. We do our best to keep you up to date on important information regarding practice changes. As many of you already know, we now have additional practices where Potomac Pediatrics families can access services:
The introduction of these new companies necessitated moving Potomac Pediatrics billers to a separate company so they could provide the same high quality billing services to all of the companies within the ecosystem.
Apparent is a billing & management company that works exclusively with the different organizations owned by the leadership team at Potomac Pediatrics. These organizations include Potomac Pediatrics, POP NOW, Skin & Style, and Safe Travels.
Apparent is a third-party billing company in name but in reality, it is the same billing specialist, in our same office space, using the same billing practices that you have grown to know over the past two decades.
When you speak with a team member from Apparent, you are speaking with someone from Potomac Pediatrics, and they are experts in billing medical claims and with the policies and processes of our organization. To call and speak with someone you will continue dialing our main number, (301) 279-6750 and follow the menu prompts to connect with a biller. You may also email billing@apparentmanagement.com.
Potomac Pediatrics will always be fully focused on helping your child and you to overcome any healthcare hurdle, with innovative, comprehensive and compassionate care.
Copyright Potomac Pediatrics 2024. All rights reserved.