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15204 Omega Drive

Suite #100 Rockville, MD 20850

Behavior Consults

Development, Behavior, and Mental Health visits

At times, parents will have a special concern pertaining to their child’s complex health or behavioral issues. Potomac Pediatrics offers consult appointments when parents can discuss their concerns face to face with one of our physicians.

Some examples of parental concerns that would warrant a physician consult include:

  • Anxiety, including separation anxiety
  • Attention, hyperactivity concerns
  • Control issues
  • Family stress/discord
  • Grief/mourning
  • Anger
  • Risk taking behaviors
  • School issues
  • Toileting issues
  • Stress

All of our pediatric providers are well-versed in diagnosing and treating behavior and mental health and are knowledge helpful local resources.  If your child’s needs warrant expert consultation, your pediatrician may refer you to our integrated Mental Health Team.